Home / Retirement Planning
Retirement Planning
The Retiree & Emeriti Center can help you locate resources throughout the process of planning for retirement. If you are considering retirement and are not sure where to start the sections below are a great place to become more acquainted with the process.
Visit the UC Retirement Administration Service Center (RASC) website to learn more about the retirement process and to schedule an appointment with a retirement counselor.
Thinking About Retirement
The idea of retiring can be both exciting and at times overwhelming. Here we have put together the key pieces you want to consider when thinking about retirement. For more information click here |
Timeline & Steps to Retirement
This timeline will give you steps to take no matter where you are in the planning process. For more information click here
Pre-Retirement Planning Series
This series is presented each spring by the campus Benefits Office. Sign up for the entire program or only the classes you need, there is no limit to how many times you can attend. For more information on the next series visit here
Additional Retirement Planning Resources
Visit the resource page for links to videos, learn about the Health Care Facilitator Program and other resources available to you throughout this process here
Newly Retired
Make sure to sign up for retiree services, programs, and groups that benefit our retirees. For more information click here
Perks and Services here
Become a Member of the Retiree Association or Emeriti Association