Thinking About Retirement

Retirement is one of life’s most significant events, and it is never too early to start planning for a smooth transition to a fulfilling next chapter. No matter if you just began your career and preparing for the future, or if you will be ready to retire within the next few months, the links below will help you get started.


Visit the UC Retirement Administration Service Center (RASC) website to learn more about the retirement process and to schedule an appointment with a retirement counselor.

Visit to locate webinars and classes, located here.

Attend the UC Santa Cruz Pre-Retirement Planning Series

Attend a UC Santa Cruz Retirement Savings Workshop



Faculty Information About Retirement

Faculty contemplating retirement should consult with RASC 3-4 months in advance of the prospective date. It is not unreasonable to start planning retirement well in advance, several months or even years ahead of the possible date. The Benefits Office can also provide important information and advise Faculty so that they can make careful, well-informed decisions.

The Pathway to Retirement

Emeriti Rights and Privileges

Research Professor CAPPM 500.205