The CUCRA/CUCEA conference planned for Fall 2020 at UC Santa Cruz will be held virtually. Since we cannot meet in person, here are ways to explore the campus remotely.
Hear stories from pioneer faculty and staff as they look back on the early years of UC Santa Cruz.UC Santa Cruz From Above
An aerial tour of the UC Santa Cruz campus.Video by Shubham Modi (Porter '19, Film and Digital Media)UC Santa Cruz Minute
UC Santa Cruz Minute is a weekly video series connecting you to campus wherever you are. Jump to Part 8 if you want to see a banana slug in its native habitat.YOUNGER LAGOON
Located on the Coastal Science Campus, the natural reserve provides opportunities for students to learn about the environment. Beth Howard, the Director of Younger Lagoon, is also a recipient of the Retirees Association Silver Slug Award for staff pursuing a degree with the university.EMERITI LECTURE: SEAL SUPERMOMS REIGN
Burney LeBoeuf, Professor Emeritus Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, presents the 31st Emeriti Lecture.ETHICS BOWL
Teachers and principals reflect on the Center for Public Philosophy's Outreach through Ethics Bowl program.SEEDS OF SOMETHING DIFFERENT
Explore the oral history of the University of California, Santa Cruz through the interactive site.TED Talk with Enrico Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz
Journey through the cosmic history of the universe and learn how supernovas forged the elements of life to create everything from the air you breathe to the very atoms that make you.Mechatronics!
You've got 31 days to build a robot that can navigate the field, get to the other side, turn around, locate its opponent and shoot ping pong balls. Easy right? Welcome to UC Santa Cruz's Mechatronic's class.Farm and Garden
The UC Santa Cruz Farm and Garden celebrates its 50th anniversary of shaping the organic food movement through teaching, research and policy innovation.NEW DATA SET REVEALS STRUCTURE OF 5000 GALAXIES
The biggest galaxy data release of its kind from Sloan Digital Sky Survey includes galaxy maps, new data access and visualization tools, and a huge 'stellar library.'